Monday, November 14, 2011

New Hopes for Blocking Metastasis

What should we expect next?

A while ago, I reported in one of my Posts (see March 13, 2011: Latest News on Immunity and Cancer)  an interesting study documenting new and unexpected relationships between the Immune System and Cancer.  That study was the result of a collaboration between Scientists in the United Kingdom and Italy (University of Bristol & Institute of Molecular Oncology in Milan).

They documented how early-stage cancers were less likely to spread if the fighters of the Immune System, the white blood cells, were prevented from contacting cancer cells. In other words, immune cells seemed to provide some type of growth signal for cancer precursor cells. This would mean that the cancer could co-opt the innate Immune Defense System to aid its own growth.

In line with these findings, very recent News report now that Immune cells, the Macrophages, could help cancers to Metastasize. Probably, 'help' would not be the right word. Indeed, doing their job, that is, detecting and destroying 'the intruder', they happen to favor the evolution of cancer cells to metastatic cells, while 'chewing' their way through the tissue barriers for reaching the cancer site. The scientific findings were published on Cancer Research, a Journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. 

The study, led by Prof David Waisman, was made at Dalhousie University, in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.  The Scientists observed the key role played by a cell surface protein of Macrophages, called S100A10, in allowing them to move to the site of tumor growth, an essential process in tumor development. The S100A10 protein seems to act like a kind of scissors in opening the way of Macrophages to the tumor site.

Indeed, they discovered that tumors do not grow and evolve without the assistance of Macrophages. In theory, inhibiting Macrophages' migration and activity or chemically blocking the protein S100A10,  tumor growth could be slowed or halted.

The next step in their research will consist in determining more precisely how the protein S100A10 works and in identifying pharmaceutical agents that can block its activity, thereby preventing the migration of macrophages from the blood or from other tissues locations to the tumor site. 

These findings further contribute to make us all Researchers interested in dismantling Cancer reflect on the puzzling and complicated Biology of Cancer and encourage us to look at it with new eyes abandoning old and tried paths.

You may want to read the original article: 
K. D. Phipps, A. P. Surette, P. A. O'Connell, D. M. Waisman. Plasminogen Receptor S100A10 Is Essential for the Migration of Tumor-Promoting Macrophages into Tumor Sites. Cancer Research, 2011; 71 (21): 6676 

You may also Visit : 

Friday, October 28, 2011

A Tribute to Marco Simoncelli (1987-2011)

Good Bye Marco by ACNews and all those who will never forget You 

There are no words to express the sadness we feel Dear Marco Simoncelli (our dear Sic). We will never forget You, Your Sympathy, Your Contagious Enthusiasm and Joy of living, Your Courage and your Great Talent. Thanks for all!!!! You'll be always in our hearts!!!!
Thinking of You, it comes to my mind a quote from President Abraham Lincoln: "In the End, it's not the Years in Your Life that count. It's the Life in Your Years". Who did perfectly embody those words, if not You? Good Bye Marco!!!!

Marco Simoncelli 250cc Racing World Champion in 2008

Friday, October 21, 2011

FLASH NEWS: High-Tech Scans versus Excellent Clinical Skills of Doctors

Un-necessary Radiation of patients in the diagnostic process

An interesting study from Israel published in the Journal, 'Archives of Internal Medicine',  reveals something we have always suspected: Many of the ultrasound and CT scans done in Emergency Room helped in the diagnostic process only in one of three cases - roughly -  but added to Hospital bills.

Patients' history, physical exams, basic tests united to excellent clinical skills of physicians resulted the most important factors in making correct diagnoses. For the patients who also had CT scans, the doctors reported that the results helped in making a diagnosis only in one-third of the times.

Taking also into account that Research has shown that multiple CT scans might increase the risk of cancer development over the long run, perhaps it's better trying to recover the Art & Science of communication with Patients and rationalize the use of High-Technology in the diagnostic process. Not only our Hospital bills but also Patients' health will benefit greatly
For reading the article and for knowing more, go to:

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Natural Remedies against Cancer proved in Academic Studies

Some foods are power-houses of Cancer Fighting Weapons...........
In this blog, we will examine which of them received approval from serious Academic Studies
Stay Tuned for the next news too!.................

Cancers don't like Onions

Good News for Onion lovers and for all others who will eventually become Onion Lovers after reading these news.  Food Scientists at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, found out that certain varieties of Onions are particularly rich in anti-cancer chemical compounds and have been shown to be more effective in inhibiting liver and colon cancer cell growth.

Food Scientist Rui Hai Liu, MD-PhD, with his team reported that Shallots, Pungent Yellow, Western Yellow and Northern Red onions have higher concentrations of anti-cancer chemicals than other varieties tested. In particular, they found out that Shallots, Western and Pungent Yellow onion varieties are especially effective against liver cancer cells, while Pungent and Western Yellow varieties showed the greatest effects on colon cancer cells.

The original article from Cornell University News, written by Susan Lang, reports a clarification about the name brand "NY Bold" initially appeared in the scientific paper published on the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.  That name was in a second time corrected and changed in the more appropriate "Pungent Yellow or Yellow Cooking Onion".

As reported by Prof. Liu in the interview you can find in the link below, in their study of ten Onion varieties and Shallots, it has been shown as both, Onions and Shallots,  have substances with potent anti-oxidant and anti-proliferation activities. In addition, he added that the more total Phenolic and Flavonoid content an onion has, the stronger its anti-oxidant activity and protective effect is. Phenolic and Flavonoids are Phytochemicals with anti-oxidant activity typically found in plants. These substances protect plants against Bacteria, Fungi and Viruses. They also help preventing cancer development, interfering with cell-damaging free radicals and inhibiting the production of reactive substances that could damage normal cells.

The Researchers found that Shallots have six times the Phenolic content of the Onion variety with the lowest content, known as Vidalia. They also found that Western Yellow Onions have eleven times more Flavonoids than the Western White variety, with the lowest content of Flavonoids.

Extracts from ten Onion varieties and Shallots were tested on Colon Cancer cells and the Pungent and Western Yellow showed the greatest anti-proliferative effect. On Liver Cancer cells, instead,  extracts from Shallot, Pungent and Western Yellow Onion varieties provided the strongest anti-proliferation effect.

As Prof. Liu reported, Flavonoid consumption has also been associated with a reduced risk of developing Heart Disease and Diabetes other than Cancer. Flavonoids, beside the protective activity against Cancer, are also known to have anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory activities.

The bitter and more pungent Onions seem to have more Flavonoids and appear to be the healthiest varieties. In USA, at least three of the four Onion varieties with the greatest total Phenolic and Flavonoids content are grown in New York State.

What's the Lesson? May be it's better a little grimace by Pungent onions than by anti-cancer killer drugs.
Of course, this doesn't mean abandoning sound and solid medical protocols validated by results-oriented monitoring systems, but rather than onions can be considered an ingredient of choice in nutritional programs designed for cancer patients, both, in current protocols or more advanced, holistic and integrative approaches based on  EBM (Evidence Based Medicine).

To know more visit: the link:

Thursday, October 06, 2011

A Tribute to Steve Jobs (1955-2011)

Good Bye, Dear Steve, Thank You for Changing our World!

Yesterday evening, October 5th - 2011, in his San Francisco home, one of the greatest creative geniuses, founder and innovator of the digital era left us. Good Bye, Steve Jobs! Thank You for leaving us not just the products of your work and creativity, but for your insipration, your example in facing life's obstacles with Vision, Clarity, Strength, Courage, Originality and Determination. 

I'd like to remember You with all the Readers of my Blog, listening to your own words, pronounced during one of your speeches at the 2005 Stanford Graduation ceremony, considered one of the greatest commencement addresses of all time: ".... Don't be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Do not let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice and most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They, somehow, already know what You truly want to become. Everything else is secondary....". 

If you  wish to share your thoughts, you may also go to
and from there you'll be addressed at the proper email. 

Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Early Puberty Today

Studies investigate the potential causes of Early Puberty  

There's a time in the life of boys and girls when changes are taking place, more gradual for boys, almost sudden for girls, which introduce them to Puberty, the transition phase to adulthood. Studies in the last century, have highlighted an intriguing phenomenon, a steady decrease in the age during which puberty's changes are taking place. In some cases, with really curious consequences, as the ones happened at the Copenhagen Royal Chapel Choir,  that became object of a brilliant Research. 

The  Royal Chapel Choir in Copenhagen is composed of young sopranos' voices educated at the Sankt Annae's Gymnasium since 1924. It has an historical tradition. In December 2003, a quite strange phenomenon was reported by the Director of the Choir, Abbe Munk, on an article of a renown Danish Journal.  He mentioned that he could register an earlier puberty in children that seemed to affect the sopranos' voices required by the Choir he was directing. The earlier puberty was modifying the quality of the children's voices. The sopranos he expected to hear, because of the age of children, were becoming tenors.

The News captured the attention of a brilliant Endocrinologist, Dr Anders Juul, who contacted with his team the Sankt Annae Gymnasium to establish a collaboration with the objective of understanding the causes of the earlier puberty occurred in the children composing the Choir.

The boys usually are admitted into the Choir at a pre-puberal age, when they are 8 years old. At that time, they have a light voice which they educate and prepare for singing in the Choir. In the last ten years, though, they registered pubertal changes in the voices of children occurring at least six months earlier than expected. The Choir, has been composed usually of children at twelve to fourteen years of age, but because of the earlier pubertal changes in their voices, it is now composed of younger boys.

The endocrinologist Lise Aksglaede reported that they analyzed the boys every six months with blood,  genetic tests and urinalyses to see when puberty is actually taking place. For better understanding what has been happening, it may help going back in history at the time of Johann Sebastian Bach. At that time, the pubertal changes in the voice of boys occurred roughly at eighteen years of age.

The girls are similarly affected by pubertal changes occurring earlier respect to the past. From the second half of the 18th century to the second half of the 19th century, the average age of girls at their first menstruation, in Northern Europe and USA, decreased from seventeen to fourteen. Today, girls can have pubertal changes even at only eight years of age, while boys, before the nine years of age.

The major problem with the early puberty changes is that boys and girls reach  sexual maturity much earlier than their psychological and mental maturity, necessary to protect themselves from life experiences. In general, the early changes in puberty are attributed to the improved quality of life of our days: the lower number of infections and diseases, the major availability of food everywhere, etc. But early puberty, though, is reaching an unexpected toll today. In the studies, an association has been made with obesity and resistance to insulin. Both the phenomenons could be contributing factors to the early changes occurring in boys and girls, lately. 

However, they are working on another hypothesis that considers the influence of the environment and lifestyle, the kind of food we eat and the chemical and industrial substances we are exposed to. It's hypothesized that some of these substances may act like hormones inducing the early changes we see in boys and girls today.

The Danish Research, not yet definitive, indicates, as major responsible of the early puberty changes, the Phtalates, components of plastic material that can be found everywhere, in toys of children, in the paintings, in pacifiers and in objects made of PVC, etc. The Phtalates may interfere with the endocrine system and be responsible of the early puberty changes observed. Toxic effects have already been observed by them in experiments on lab animals.

In conclusion, according to what has been found so far, bad lifestyle habits and the presence of Phtalates in the environment can both contribute to the Early Puberty observed Today. 
Nature had provided boys and girls a better  timing for matching the physical changes with the mental and psychological ones, but unfortunately, with our inconsiderate abuse of Mother Earth, we are causing changes not only in our environment but also in the most precious treasure we have, our children, our own Future. One more reason to reflect and reconsider our future plans of development.

To watch the Video on RAI 1 TV, go to:
It's the second documentary in the Video played during the TV program Superquark, presented by Piero Angela
To know more, you may want to visit also:
I personally heard for the first time talking about the phenomenon of Early Puberty Today, during the programs on TBN TV by Dr. John McDougall


Friday, September 30, 2011


Neutrinos first in velocity, light is second (?!)

When taken by a strong urgency, we use to say something like ." fast as light" or "....faster than light", just because light has been considered the fastest thing on Earth. This apparently, has been the case until September 22nd, 2011.  News were published that day about a Swiss/Italian experiment finding that Neutrinos, subatomic, fundamental particles can travel faster than the speed of light. 

The experiment, called OPERA, standing for (Oscillation Project with Emulsion tRacking Apparatus), involved the Gran Sasso National laboratory in Italy and the CERN, the major High-Energy Physics laboratory of Europe, located in Geneva, Switzerland.

According to some Scientists, the finding, if confirmed, could shake the foundation of Albert Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, the cornerstone of Modern Physics. Einstein's theory, however, has been also the most tested and verified  theory and it doesn't seem to have failed till now. Let's see how our greatest Physicists in the world will be able to reconcile and fit these new findings, if confirmed, with all we learned till now on Modern Physics.

If you want to read more about the findings, you can go at a speed "faster than Neutrinos" (of course, I'm Joking - take it easy!) here:

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Science Mysteries Series: chapter 1

Soon this post will be included in a separate Page of this Blog, where You can find events unexplained by the Natural Laws of Physics and Biology and, at all effects, considered Science Mysteries.

The Eucharistic Bread of Siena Miraculously Preserved from Corruption

Every once in a while we are confronted with events that defy any scientific explanation. The one I'm about to report here happened roughly 300 years ago, on August 14th of the year 1730 in Siena, a city located in Tuscany, Italy. During the morning of that day, many Eucharistic Hosts were consecrated in the Basilica of Saint Francis, since many worshipers were expected to reach the Church later that day. 

The Chronicles of the time, report that during the procession at the Cathedral in Siena, the Eucharistic Hosts were stolen the same day from Saint Anthony's Chapel in the Basilica and were found three days later, on August 17th, in another church, the Church of Provenzano.

The thief, may be contrite for the sacrilegious theft, kept the reliquary but returned the Sacred Hosts stored in it and left them into the offerings-box of the Church of Provenzano. The unexplained fact is that, although, the sacred particles remained a certain time in the offerings-box amidst dust, cobwebs and money, all of them, 351 (actually they are now two-hundred-twenty-three-223, after all the Scientific Investigations), are still today, that is almost three hundred years later, intact and perfectly preserved from decomposition and putrefaction.

The unconsecrated hosts, made of unleavened bread, normally undergo moulding and decomposition processes when exposed to air or to conditions similar to those described here. An experiment was made by the Archbishop Tiberio Borghese; he left unconsecrated hosts in a reliquary perfectly sealed for one year. After that time, the Scientific Commission nominated to open and verify the results of the experiment, observed moulding and decomposition processes in the unconsecrated hosts, as normally expected.

In comparison, the consecrated Hosts present no trace of mould, decomposition or corruption, no atmospheric or other agents were able to corrode the edges of the Hosts. On the other hand, moulds were found on the lid of the reliquary where they were stored, but only externally. No moulds or other agents were found inside with the consecrated Hosts.

Pope Pius the 12th asked a Scientific analysis too of the Hosts and the report of the Scientific Commission highlights the exceptionality and peculiarity of the phenomenon, subverting the laws of Physics and Biology and the characteristic of 'permanency' of the particles examined. In other words, the miraculous episode happened so many years ago, can still be seen and verified today. The Hosts are even now as fresh and intact as if they had just been made.

It is considered a Miracle, one of the many known and less known Miracles concerning the Eucharistic Bread. A manuscript documents in many details what happened that far August day of the year 1730 and all the initiatives taken by Civil and Religious Authorities of that time. It reports that people in Siena were quite shocked and confused by the theft of the precious Eucharistic Bread. Even the famous horse race held on August 16th in Siena, the Palio, was suspended that year. Who knows Siena also certainly is aware of the importance that the Palio has for the city, since is considered the very 'soul' of the city. As reported in the manuscript, many invitations to celebrate Holy Masses and Prayers were made to people from the Ecclesiastic Authorities for mending the sacrilegious act. 

The word 'Miracle' was first attributed to the phenomenon 50 years after it occurred. Since then, a number of investigations were further made on it to gain more specific information. At least fourteen of them are well documented. A very rigorous Scientific study was made on the year 1914 by the equìpe of Prof Siro Grimaldi. The analysis made proved the existence of starch in the Hosts and undoubtedly showed that the particles were simply bread.
Pope John Paul the 2nd when visited the place and saw the Hosts simply commented: "It's the Presence" and after all the investigations done through the years, those of us believers and passionate about Science, its methods and its mysteries too, can in some way agree with him. But it is curious to remind that as soon as the Hosts were found, nobody even remotely thought about them as a sort of 'miraculous presence'. Instead, they were respectfully stored in some place and not administered to people, right for hygienic motives, considering the dirty in the offering box where they had been for so long. 

Only a long while later, somebody understood there was something really mysterious about them. With the passing of time they definitely kept looking as fresh as the day they left the Hosts-makers. They not only looked but also tasted fresh, as just-made, even though a long time had passed since their recovery from the offerings-box. There was no trace at all of decomposition or corruption despite the days, months or years passed during subsequent and multiple investigations.

The sacred Hosts are still visible Today in the Basilica of Saint Francis in Siena.
To know more, you can visit:

The 'Room-Saving' House of the Future

....As designed by Scientists at the prestigious MIT........

Coming soon

Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Great News for Cocoa Lovers

Cocoa Extract protects our Arteries

Very often it's said that we are as old as our arteries are. It must be true, since clean arteries allow a good oxygenation of all the tissues of our body, fundamental for every vital function. More than anything else, having clean arteries defends us from stroke, heart attack, senile dementia, arteriosclerosis, etc. We heard many times how a good and healthy diet plays a crucial role in keeping our arteries clean. On the other hand, we are often said to steer away from Chocolate, for its high fat and calories content.

Unexpectedly though, right the Cocoa fruit grown in the Tropical regions, the main ingredient of Chocolate, could provide a power-house of miracles-working compounds for our cardiovascular health. Recently, studies of Professor Naomi Fisher in Prof. Norman Hollenberg's lab from Harvard University, suggest, quite surprisingly, that Cocoa Extracts may play a role in protecting our arteries more important than any other factor we may think of.

The discovery was occasionally made while studying a population consuming in large quantity Cocoa Extract, the Kuna Indians, immune to the type of pathologies and conditions deriving from unclean and clogged arteries. As reported in an interview to Prof. Fisher, almost 90% of the elders in USA suffer of Hypertension, while this condition is virtually absent among the Kuna Indians elders. Values of blood pressure of 110/70 are in the normal range for Kuna Indians at age 60 and older.

Initially, the Scientists thought that a salt-poor-diet could be responsible of the healthy arteries of the Kuna Indians. Instead, they found out that the Kuna eat foods plenty of salts. However, the Researchers observed that the Kuna consumed three to four cups per day of a drink prepared using Cocoa extracts. The Scientists focused their attention on the ingredients present in the drink and found that Flavonols isolated from the Cocoa extract and not other substances, could be responsible of the beneficial effects on arteries. Participants to a study who got those Flavonols showed more relaxed blood vessels than those receiving simply pure water. The production of Nitric Oxide induced by the Flavonols seems to be ultimately responsible of the relaxation of blood vessels

Lab Tests performed on Rats backed those findings. A specific Falavonol called, Epicatechin, seems to stand out among others.

The Research of Prof Fisher in Prof Hollenberg lab, are now focused on understanding if the Flavonols present in the Cocoa extract can also have a preventive effect on cognitive decline and senile dementia. An improvement in blood flow, in the brain of subjects participating to the study, has already been shown. Hopefully soon, more exciting news will come from this front.

Before closing, it must be said that, unfortunately the chocolate bars we can find at Food&Drug and Grocery stores do not seem to contain the healthy Flavonols, since the industrial processing may destroy them. Chocolate man-manufactured in an old  fashioned way may preserve better the healthy Flavonols. Even better, learning to process Cocoa seeds as the Indian Kuna do, may really make the difference for getting a very healthy remedy for our cardiovascular system. Let's hope we get it really soon.
Stay Tuned!

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Jan. 24, 2006; vol 103: pp 1024-1029;contentBody
"SuPer Quark" RAI 1-TV program by Piero Angela


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Natural Approaches to Endometriosis

What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a medical condition characterized by growth of tissue similar to that lining the uterus, the endometrium, in areas of the body beyond the uterus. The displaced tissue may respond to the monthly cycle just as the endometrium does. However, at the last phase of the woman's cycle, the shed 'endometrium-like' tissue grown outside of the uterus, cannot be eliminated as menstrual bleeding through the natural channel of exit. This leads to the build up of plaques or lesions which worsen over time. 

Endometriosis lesions can affect female pelvic cavities, the Fallopian tubes, ovaries, the pelvic-side wall, ligaments beneath the ovaries, utero-sacral ligaments and the rectal vaginal septum. Less commonly, they can be found on the bladder, intestines, ureters, diaphragm, rarely  on the skin, lung, spine and brain.

As an estrogen dependent condition, usually affects women in reproductive age. However, it can also occur in post-menopausal women with an estimated incidence of 2-4%. Women having an affected first-degree relative show a 10 fold increased incidence of developing the condition. The most common symptom of Endometriosis is severe, recurring pelvic pain, which may or may not be correlated to the menstrual cycle and whose intensity is not necessarily related to the extent or stage of Endometriosis. For many women the pain can be so severe and debilitating to impact their lives in significant ways. Women diagnosed with Endometriosis may present gastrointestinal symptoms mimicking Irritable Bowel Syndrome and may also suffer from Depression and Fatigue.

It's estimated that 30-40% of women with Endometriosis show infertility. In some women, this condition is only discovered after fertility investigations. However, Endometriosis-related infertility is often treated successfully with surgery. Although extensive Endometriosis can distort pelvic anatomy and thus partly explain infertility, the relationship between infertility and Endometriosis is not yet clear and therefore actively investigated.

The only sure method to confirm an Endometriosis diagnosis is by laparoscopy, which also treats the condition. Although there's presently no cure, treatment options exist. Patients can be treated with birth control pills, hormone therapies, drugs inducing menopause, even hysterectomy to stop the dysmenorrheal symptoms. Hysterectomy, though, cannot ensure disappearance of symptoms, for the possibility of adhesions on other organs beside the reproductive organs and even on the abdominal wall. 

Aspirin-like, pain-killer medications, such as NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) are commonly used. However, both, NSAIDs and hormonal treatment on a long run can also be the cause of a number of adverse-side effects, which worsen the condition. 

Medical herbal treatments have also been proved effective. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) approaches differently the causes of Endometriosis. In TCM, it is classified as a liver disorder associated with liver stagnation. Recent studies have indeed supported this theory and implicated chronic exposure to environmental pollutants, as dioxins, to liver problems and Endometriosis, independently. A compromised liver also contributes to weakening the immune system, a factor implicated in Endometriosis.

The Herbal ingredients used in TCM for the treatment of Endometriosis work primarily by affecting the functioning of the liver and of the female reproductive system. Among the hormone-balancing herbs, widely used are Chaste Berry and Don Quai. Particularly effective for liver problems is the herb named Milk Thistle. Chinese Yam is used for his excellent tonic properties on the liver and nervous system and for its anti-inflammatory properties. An homeopathic remedy named Viburnum opulus has been proved effective too, especially for backache associated with Endometriosis.

Endometriosis must not be confused with Endometrial Cancer. However, it has been hypothesized that the excess estrogen production by Endometriosis may eventually cause ovarian or other cancers over a woman's life time. The staging of endometriosis resembles the staging of cancer. 

For more info, studies and publications visit
ps. Always keep in mind that You are strongly advised to consult healthcare specialists and your own family medical doctor, before implementing any change to your diet or following any medical advice. The information presented here or anywhere else online is uniquely provided with the purpose to inform You, so that You can act on and take informed decisions for improving your health

Monday, July 04, 2011

Latest News on Telomeres and Life Expectancy

The END of Chromosomes determines the END of our life. But is it really true?

News of last May about the possibility to know the end of our life testing the ends of our chromosomes have raised lots of rumor. As reported in the Independent on May 16th, by the end of this yearpaying roughly 500 Euros, through a simple and specific blood test in England, it will be possible to know how long we can yet live. As expected, ethical controversies about this matter are on the rise.  

More precisely, the test should allow to understand the 'biological age' of a person, as measured by the length of a person's telomeres, the terminal part of our chromosomes. Actually, the test will establish if our 'biological age' is higher or lower than our 'chronological age'. According to the Medical community, in the next years, telomeres tests promise to be even more developed and perfected.

Needless to say, knowing the 'real age' will have a profound impact on a person's life and alarming could be the speculations of life-insurance companies, unscrupulous employers and profit-oriented companies proposing anti-age remedies with little or none scientific foundation.The wisest front of the Scientific Community, however,  invokes the urgency of control systems to prevent useless dramas and unethical behavior and practices.

On the other hand, by the same admission of Maria Blasco, the Scientist at the National Cancer Research Center in Madrid, who proposed the Telomeres Test, not much is known on humans so to warrant secure answers to life expectancy. In the interview appeared in the Independent on May 16th, she affirmed that, although it's known that individuals born with telomeres shorter than normal also have a lower life expectancy, it's not known, however, if longer telomeres are also associated with longer life expectancy. At least, it is not  well known for humans.

The real novelty of the test proposed by her through her Company, Life Lenght, is the precision by which even the smallest differences can be detected easily, rapidly and analyzing simultaneously several samples. More importantly, the Company claims to be able to detect  the presence of really dangerous telomeres, the very short ones. Right now, Life Lenght is in contact with important Diagnostic Centers in all Europe to collect blood samples which will be analyzed in Spain.  Agreements with a Company operating in the United Kingdom should be reached in one year. At the present moment, Life Lenght is the only company selling the test without need of medical prescription. 

Prof Jerry Shay, at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, in Dallas, as reported in the same article in the Independent, underlies the importance of the Biological Age and how Telomeres length can give a good representation of it.

Personally, I believe that even though, the test may facilitate Research on Telomeres length in humans and in understanding its implications in human health,  it's hazardous to advance more hypotheses on life expectancy, before more precise strategies of association will be designed and investigated. I could also see how eventual statistical data may be affected by the emotional impact that a telomeres test response may have on a person's life. For example, if an individual received the undesirable response to have telomeres shorter than normal, how much more depressed he/she will feel because of the bad news, and how much worse will he/she  live? Probably, even at the point to shorten his/her life expectancy. Would not that be true?

So why not live to the full uncaring of our telomeres length? Even more so now that Epigenetic Research seems to strongly suggest that not all is written on our DNA genes, that is on our chromosomes and therefore less than ever on our chromosome ends, the telomeres. Let's give time to Research to discover more in this arena before burden ourselves with useless weight or 'lengths'.

To know more on Telomeres and the latest news, visit:

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cinnamon and Diabetes News

A Bit of Cinnamon per day, takes the sugar at bay (?!?)

Cinnamon apparently it's not just one of our favorite scents of Christmas time; indeed new findings seem to suggest a role in keeping under control our blood-sugar levels. A relatively recent study showed that the typical American dessert, Apple Pie, revealed an unexpected effect on blood glucose levels of diabetic subjects participating to the study. They all improved their blood glucose levels.  In other words, it was not observed the expected increase in blood sugar, considering the high calories and  Glycemic index value of  Apple Pie. The Scientists, following through this observation, found out that Cinnamon was the active ingredient in Apple Pie, responsible of the beneficial effects on blood sugar levels.

The link between Cinnamon and improvements in Diabetes was further reinforced by the observation that  Diabetic subjects treated with daily doses of Cinnamon per day (2 to 6 gr-grams) showed substantial improvements, instead, when the treatment was stopped, their blood-glucose levels started to rise again. A few mechanisms by which Cinnamon may lower blood-glucose levels have been proposed. For instance, Cinnamon may have insulin-like properties setting up the mechanisms causing glucose to be withdrawn from the bloodstream and stored into tissues in the form of glycogen.

One study made on rats reported that Cinnamon caused an increase in the protein called IRS-1, Insulin Receptor Substrate 1, a key player in the transmission of signals from Insulin and Insulin-like Growth Factors Receptors to intra-cellular pathways mediating Insulin effects. One result of IRS-1 increase is the enhancement of glucose uptake in muscle tissue. An increase in the protein called GLUT-4, has also been  reported.  GLUT-4, or Insulin-regulated Glucose Transporter found in adipose and striated muscle tissues, is responsible for Insulin-regulated glucose translocation from the bloodstream into the cell.

In the most cited study on Cinnamon effects on glucose levels, published in Diabetes Care in 2003, the authors Khan and colleagues, evaluating 60 people with type II Diabetes after treatment with varying doses of Cinnamon for forty days, reported not only reduction in fasting glucose, but also in the levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. These results would lead to consider Cinnamon, in general, an important regulator of  metabolic pathways.

However, the enthusiasm around Cinnamon and about using it in our daily nutritional regimens, was quenched by  a few studies made in other labs in USA and Europe which did not seem to confirm the data obtained by Khan and colleagues in 2003 as well as by other Scientists.

What should we conclude about all this?
Well, first of all, who is familiar with Academic research knows fully well how data can be very different from one lab to another. Many parameters may vary in experiments, from the operators to the different reagents used from lab to lab in the same type of experiment. It's not so surprising finding differences, even substantial discrepancies in similar studies. It may happen. Not questioning the bona fide of the Scientists involved, we should though exert our best judgement in following one or the other position regarding Cinnamon use in our nutritional regimens.

It's always highly recommendable consulting medical and health experts before deciding to add or change something in our daily regimens. Especially those who are already under medication should exert extreme caution in implementing something new in their diet, in any and every case. For example, some concern has also been raised by the presence of a compound, called Coumarin, in some types of Cinnamon which can reduce the blood's ability to clot. So, people using blood thinning medications, as Coumadin,  for example, should limit or not consume at all Cinnamon. Their physicians could better suggest what to do, in those cases.

In all other cases, though, may be it's possible to find some confidence on the numerous observations from the past in Cinnamon's multiple uses for health benefits at times in history when the Scientific methods used today in Academic labs were not so well established and practiced. The Chinese used Cinnamon more than 4.000 years ago, especially for treating cough and colds. In medieval times, it was also used by physicians for similar health problems. It has been used as a natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal too and it's considered a valid aid in the prevention of urinary tract and yeast infections. Its high content of anti-oxidants with anti-inflammatory and blood-thinning properties, recently discovered in Cinnamon, makes of it also a prevention tool for reducing the risk of heart disease.

Some use Cinnamon in their milk, tea, yogurt, in their cakes or as a spice in their meal, just a sprinkle of it.
Who knows! May be it's worthy a try, using the caution requested and starting with just a small sprinkle of it.

Just, one more thing....

Do you know that Cinnamon is one of the natural and chemical-free repellents able to keep ants out of your house? Yes, apparently, together with mint, red chili powder and black pepper, Cinnamon is one of the most effective natural substances to make ants crawl away from any corner of your home...

And to conclude: HAPPY EASTER To all of You!!

Khan A et al. Cinnamon Improves Glucose and Lipids in People with Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2003;26:3215-18
Vanschoonbeek K et al. Cinnamon Supplementation Does Not Improve Glycemic Control in Postmenopausal Type 2 Diabetes Patients. Journal of Nutrition. 2006;136:977-980 


Monday, April 04, 2011

Sleep Time and Depression

'Sleep Your Depression Away': De-stress Your Body with the right amount of sleep and healthy lifestyle changes

Depression disorders are as old as the Bible, even though Today they took a heavy toll on our frantic and hectic life. Accurate tests for the most serious cases are certainly highly recommendable, but before filling our bodies with medications to tame some of the associated symptoms, like insomnia, anxiety, etc. we'd better make an adjustment to our lifestyle.

Proper nutrition, stress management and exercise are usually the first suggested 'routes' to take and keep in check.
Balancing our sleep time and maintaining a regular routine have also been considered critical steps in recovering from depression, but would you believe that a sleepless night could cure a few serious cases of depression?

Yes, even though it might sound odd, sleep-restriction therapy may play more benefits than we think in treating depression. Research studies show that as many as 70% of seriously depressed people - some of them classified depressed 'on the verge of suicide' - could be completely relieved of that painful condition with one night of "total sleep deprivation".

So, apparently, Sleep-Restriction-Therapy provides a highly effective, cost-free, non-toxic and easy-to-implement treatment for depression. Overindulging in sleep brings troubles just as insomnia does. According to some studies, a yet unidentified 'depressogenic' substance is produced during sleep, which is washed out during wakefulness. Even people not suffering from depression improved their moods by not oversleeping.

Thus,  will the saying "April sweet sleeping" adjust to the new findings? May be a little! We could give it a try and breath a little earlier the brisk and fabulous April's morning hours.
Happy Spring Time to all!!!!

To know more, visit:
Giedke H. Therapeutic use of sleep deprivation in depression. Sleep Med Rev. 2002 Oct;6(5):361-77.
Giedke H, Klingberg S, Schwarzler F, Schweinsberg M. Direct comparison of total sleep deprivation and late partial sleep deprivation in the treatment of major depression. J Affect Disord. 2003 Sep;76(1-3):85-93.

One more thing.....Alcohol and Brain function damage

It's well known, some people will use a nightcap of alcohol as their sleeping pill, but beside the most important drawback associated with its use, dependency, another one is lurking: short-term-memory loss. It is called, Korsakoff's syndrome or Amnesic-Confabulatory Syndrome. The Korsakoff's syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by damage to neurons and supporting cells of the Central Nervous System. It is caused by a lack of thiamine (or Vitamin B1) in the brain. Our brain needs Vitamin B1 which is destroyed by Alcohol
Well, better switch to something else, right?

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Stress and Alopecia Link

Stress and Alopecia: Answers from an Academic Lab

Stress and Alopecia have often been linked to each other, although the reason of their association has never been clearly understood. Recent results from a new study at Geffen Medical School (UCLA) highlight the possible molecular mechanisms underlying this association. The findings were made on mice but it is hoped that they can lead to new cures for human Alopecia.

Professor Milion Mulugeta and his team of collaborators at Geffen Medical School, in UCLA, were investigating a link between stress and ailments in the gastrointestinal tract. The researchers were working on four types of genetically engineered mice producing in exceeding quantity a molecule called CRF or Corticotropin Release Factor, an hormone linked to stress.

As a consequence of the modification introduced through genetic engineering, the mice began to lose hairs on their back till becoming affected by Alopecia. The main aim of the Researchers was to investigate the role of Astressin B, an inhibitor of the stress hormone Corticotropin Release Factor or CRF.

Initially the doses of Astressin B administered to mice didn't produce any measurable effect. Therefore they kept administering daily doses of it for five consecutive days. After three months, the mice
not only didn't show  anymore signs of stress but also regained completely their hairs. Alopecia had definitely abandoned them and their hairs kept growing numerous and healthy.

The molecule called Corticotropin Release Factor or CRF is also expressed on human skin and scalp with few peptides important for modulating its activity. The scientists will try now to understand if A-stressin B will work on human Alopecia too. The team seems very optimistic about it at the point to file for a patent to protect their discovery.

To know more, visit:

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Latest News on Immunity and Cancer

Immune System and Cancer: New discoveries could lead to new directions in Cancer Research.

It's usually believed that a depressed immune system can be at the base of a number of ailments and diseases, including Cancer. But recently, results obtained by a group of Scientists in the UK and Italy seem to contradict this highly shared opinion in Medicine.

The Scientists at the University of Bristol in the UK and at the Institute of Molecular Oncology in Milan, Italy, carried out their studies on Zebrafish, an organism maintaining many of the molecular and cellular components responsible of tumor formation in Mammals.

The results obtained by them seem to suggest that early-stage cancers are less likely to spread if the fighters of the Immune System, the white blood cells, are prevented from contacting cancer cells. In other words, immune cells could provide some type of growth signal for cancer precursor cells. So the cancer could co-opt the innate Immune Defence System to aid its own growth.

Using different methods to block the Immune System of the animal so to inhibit migration of immune cells to the cancer site, they always obtained the same result: a reduction in the number of cancer cells.

These results seem to lead to view Cancer formation and spreading through radically new 'eyes'.
What does the Future in Cancer Research hold on for us?
We'll see!!!
