Sunday, October 16, 2011

Natural Remedies against Cancer proved in Academic Studies

Some foods are power-houses of Cancer Fighting Weapons...........
In this blog, we will examine which of them received approval from serious Academic Studies
Stay Tuned for the next news too!.................

Cancers don't like Onions

Good News for Onion lovers and for all others who will eventually become Onion Lovers after reading these news.  Food Scientists at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY, found out that certain varieties of Onions are particularly rich in anti-cancer chemical compounds and have been shown to be more effective in inhibiting liver and colon cancer cell growth.

Food Scientist Rui Hai Liu, MD-PhD, with his team reported that Shallots, Pungent Yellow, Western Yellow and Northern Red onions have higher concentrations of anti-cancer chemicals than other varieties tested. In particular, they found out that Shallots, Western and Pungent Yellow onion varieties are especially effective against liver cancer cells, while Pungent and Western Yellow varieties showed the greatest effects on colon cancer cells.

The original article from Cornell University News, written by Susan Lang, reports a clarification about the name brand "NY Bold" initially appeared in the scientific paper published on the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.  That name was in a second time corrected and changed in the more appropriate "Pungent Yellow or Yellow Cooking Onion".

As reported by Prof. Liu in the interview you can find in the link below, in their study of ten Onion varieties and Shallots, it has been shown as both, Onions and Shallots,  have substances with potent anti-oxidant and anti-proliferation activities. In addition, he added that the more total Phenolic and Flavonoid content an onion has, the stronger its anti-oxidant activity and protective effect is. Phenolic and Flavonoids are Phytochemicals with anti-oxidant activity typically found in plants. These substances protect plants against Bacteria, Fungi and Viruses. They also help preventing cancer development, interfering with cell-damaging free radicals and inhibiting the production of reactive substances that could damage normal cells.

The Researchers found that Shallots have six times the Phenolic content of the Onion variety with the lowest content, known as Vidalia. They also found that Western Yellow Onions have eleven times more Flavonoids than the Western White variety, with the lowest content of Flavonoids.

Extracts from ten Onion varieties and Shallots were tested on Colon Cancer cells and the Pungent and Western Yellow showed the greatest anti-proliferative effect. On Liver Cancer cells, instead,  extracts from Shallot, Pungent and Western Yellow Onion varieties provided the strongest anti-proliferation effect.

As Prof. Liu reported, Flavonoid consumption has also been associated with a reduced risk of developing Heart Disease and Diabetes other than Cancer. Flavonoids, beside the protective activity against Cancer, are also known to have anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory activities.

The bitter and more pungent Onions seem to have more Flavonoids and appear to be the healthiest varieties. In USA, at least three of the four Onion varieties with the greatest total Phenolic and Flavonoids content are grown in New York State.

What's the Lesson? May be it's better a little grimace by Pungent onions than by anti-cancer killer drugs.
Of course, this doesn't mean abandoning sound and solid medical protocols validated by results-oriented monitoring systems, but rather than onions can be considered an ingredient of choice in nutritional programs designed for cancer patients, both, in current protocols or more advanced, holistic and integrative approaches based on  EBM (Evidence Based Medicine).

To know more visit: the link: